Dramatic tenor Tai-Ho Woo has received his most training and education in Italy after his receiving B.M degree from Hanyang University College of Music in Korea. He attended Conservatory Santa Cecilia in Rome and Academia Chigiana in Siena, Italy. His teachers include world-renowned tenor Mario del Monaco and Franco Corelli.
Upon completing his voice training in Italy he began performing many title roles of operas that include La Bohéme, Lucia di Lammermoor, Pagliacci, Cavalleria Rusticana, Rogoletto, Don Carlo, La Traviata, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, Carmen, and Turandot in the United States, Korea and Europe. His special appearances include a special New York City Radio program on “Future Opera Star” in 1980 and a concert organized by the City of New York for New York residences.
In 1987, Mr. Woo established the Korean-American Opera Company in New York and produced and presented more than ten operas including La Bohéme, Carmen, and Elisir d’Amore. His other activities in New York include the establishment of New York Music Academy and the New York Musicians’ Association.
Upon returning to his native country Korea in 1992 he has been continuously active on producing many operas in major concert halls, that include Bizet’s Carmen at Sejong Cultural Center.
In addition to his opera performances and opera productions he has given more than 18 solo recitals in the United States and Korea.
He has been on the faculty of Myungji University Conservatory of Music in Korea.
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Ms. Kook, after graduating from Hanyang University College of Music in Korea, continued her voice training at Mannes School of Music in New York with full scholarship and received her MM. and PGD degrees in Music.
She has been singing title roles of many operas throughout the United States and in Korea, that include Cio-Cio-San, Violetta, Mimi, Musetta, Micaella, Liu. Gilda, Lucia, Susanna, Rosina, Marguerite, Sophie, and Angelica throughout U.S. and in Korea. Young-Soon Kook recently performed title roles of La Traviata and Yu Kwan-Soon (Korean version of Joan of Arc) in the world premier at National Theatre, Grand Opera House in Seoul.
Having performed Madama Butterfly for more than 40 times with many opera companies including Augusta Opera and Annapolis Opera she is well known as Cio-Cio-San. Ms Kook also sang Liu (Turandot) with New Jersey State Opera in New Jersey Performing Art Center, the title role of Esther at Seoul Grand Opera House, both Micaella (Carmen) and Fiordiligi (Cosi fan tutte) in a concert version at Allice Tully Hall.
Ms. Kook’s Oratorio and Orchestral appearances include a guest soloist in Mozart's Bicentennial Festival in Lincoln Center, An evening of Opera highlights at the Civic Opera House in Chicago, Korean Lyric Songs in Kennedy Center, Mozart’s Coronation Mass at Seoul National Theatre, Handel’s Messiah at Alice Tully Hall, Avery Fisher Hall in New York and Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto, and Haydn’s Creation Mass at John Harms Center in New Jersey and with Russian Kazan Symphony Orchestra in Korea.
Ms Kook was the prizewinner at Dong-Ah Music Competition in Korea, Jovanovski Award in Baltimore National Vocal Competition and winner at New York Singing Teacher's Association Contest. Presently she is on the faculty of the Music Conservatory of Westchester, Westchester, New York.
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Korean born pianist Dr. Myung-Hee Chung has received numerous national and international awards, including first prize at the 1977 William Kapell Maryland International Piano Competition, the 1976 Chicago Symphony Orchestra Young Performer's Competition, the 1978 Portland Symphony Orchestra Competition and the 1980 Juilliard Concerto Competition. She was a prizewinner in the 1980 Gina Bachauer International Competition and a finalist in the 1981 Busoni International Competition.
She has appeared as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the U.S., Europe, Mexico, Canada, and the Far East and she has performed with many major orchestras including the symphony orchestras of Chicago, Baltimore, Portland, New Philharmonic, and Seoul Philharmonic.
Her recent performance engagements include solo engagement of Gershwin Piano Concerto and Rhapsody in Blue in England and Wisconsin; Grieg Piano Concerto in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin; and solo and chamber music at the Edgerton Chamber Music Festival in Wisconsin, at the Ravinia Festival in Highland Park, Illinois, and at Special 911 Concert at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. Piano solo recitals were given in many cities in Wisconsin, including Madison, Watertown, Beloit, and Whitewater as well as in other cities in Europe, Asia, Mexico, and the United States; including Boston, Los Angeles, Capri, Italy; Seoul, Korea; Puebla, Tlaxcala, and Mexico City in Mexico. She was a soloist with many orchestras; including Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, New Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic, and Concertante di Chicago. Dr. Chung was an active chamber musician as a member of Seraphin Trio for four years at the University of New Mexico, performing numerous concerts with violinist Leonard Felberg and cellist Joanna deKeyser. She was also collaborating with many other artists such as Eugenia Alikanova, first violinist of Moscow String Quartet, with David Kim, the concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra, Alison Balsom, English solo trumpeter, and a variety of musical instruments as well as vocalists.
Dr. Chung received Bachelors and Masters degrees in music from The Juilliard School studying with Martin Canin. She continued her studies with Gary Graffman at the Manhattan School of Music where she received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Her teachers include Andre Watts, Tong-Il Han, Chung-Choo Oh and Kisun Yun.
Dr. Chung taught at the Missouri Southern State University in Joplin, Missouri and at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico as a tenured Associate Professor. In August 1995, she joined the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Wisconsin where she is currently a full Professor and the Keyboard Coordinator.
Her CD and DVD recordings are available from the Fontana Artists Management, Naperville, Illinois.
Fontana Artists Management
1022 Revere Court, Suite 100
Naperville, IL 60540
Phone: (630) 818-6715
Fax: (630) 281-2575
E-mail: fontana.artist@gmail.com
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MAY 25, 2007 (FRIDAY) 7:30 P.M
Widmung (Dedication) (헌정) |
Robert Schumann - Franz Liszt
(1810-1856) - (1811-1886) |
Fantasia-Impromptu, Op. 66 (즉흥환상곡) |
Frédéric Chopin
(1810-1849) |
Già il sole dal gange (Sun over the Ganges River)
- from opera “L'honestà negli amori” |
Alessandro Scarlatti
(1659-1725) |
Occhi di fata (선녀의 눈) |
Luigi Denza
(1846-1922) |
Aprile (4월) |
Francesco Paolo Tosti
(1846-1916) |
An Chloë (크로에를 위한 노래) |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(1756-1791) |
Der Neugierige, Op. 25, No. 6 (물어보는 사람)
- from Die schöne Müllerin (아름다운 물레방아간의 아가씨 중에서) |
Franz Schubert
(1797-1828) |
고향의 노래 (Song of My Home) |
(1939- ) |
Musica proibita, Op. 5 (금단의 노래) |
Stanislao Gastaldon
(1861-1939) |
O primavera (Oh, Springtime) (아, 봄의 계절) |
Pier Adolfo Tirindelli
(1858-1937) |
Tormento (고뇌) |
Francesco Paolo Tosti
(1846-1916) |
La promessa (약속) |
Gioacchino Rossini
(1792-1868) |
Io conosco un giardino (I am here at the Garden)
- from “Maristella” |
Giuseppe Pietri
(1886-1946) |
Un di. All’azzuro spazio (One day in azure space)
- from “Andrea Chénier” |
Umberto Giordano
(1867-1948) |
O mio babino cara (아, 나의 사랑하는 아버지)
- from “Gianni Schicchi” |
Giacomo Puccini
(1858-1924) |
The Jewel Song (보석의 노래)
- from “Faust” |
Charles Gounod
Two Concert Etudes, S. 145 (LW A218)
Waldesrauschen (Forest Murmurs) (숲속의 속삭임)
Gnomenreigen (Dance of the Gnomes) (요정의 춤) |
Franz Liszt
(1811-1886) |
Tristesse (슬픔) |
Frédéric Chopin
(1810-1849) |
Rondine al nido (둥지속의 제비) |
Vincenzo de Crescenzo
(1875-1964) |
Tu che m’ai presso il cuore ( 내 마음의 그대 ) |
Franz Lehár
(1870-1948) |
님이 오시는지 (Is my love coming?) |
(1925- ) |
달밤 (Night with Moon) |
(1922-1993) |
꽃 구름 속에 (Through the Cloud of Flowers) |
(1909-1980) |
Che gelida manina (그대의 찬손을)
Mi chiamano Mimi (My name is Mimi)
O soave fanciulla (Oh, beautiful creature) (오, 아름다운 아가씨여) |
Giacomo Puccini
(1858-1924) |
Tai-Ho Woo, tenor
Young-Soon Kook, soprano
Myung-Hee Chung, piano
Trio No. 1 for Violin, Violoncello and Piano in D minor, Op. 49
1. Molto allegro ed agitato |
Felix Mendelssohn
(1809-1847) |
Myunghee Chung, piano
Young-Hee Kim, violin
Eun-Kyung Kim, violoncello
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Announcement (공연 안내 말씀)
시카고 음악 애호가 협회 주최
Steinway 연주협회 주최
2007년 봄맞이 갈라 콘서트
2007년 5월 25일 (금요일)
오후 7:30 – 9:30
Recital Hall
Fine Arts Center
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louise Ave., Chicago, IL
시카고음악애호가 협회(Chicago Philharmonic Society)는 음악가와 음악연주 단체의 발전과 음악 학도의 연주 기회를 열어주며 후원하기 위하여 창립되었으며, Steinway 연주협회 (Steinway Concert Association)와 공동으로 2007년도 봄맞이 음악회를 준비하여 교민 여러분을 초대합니다.
Program은 피아노 독주와 이태리, 독일, 한국 가곡과 오페라 아리아의 테너 독창, 소프라노 독창, 테너와 소프라노 2중창 외에 Chicago Classical Philharmonic의 악장 김영희 (Violin) 씨와 Cello 수석 김은경씨, Pianist 정명희 교수의 Violin-Cello-Piano 삼중주의 특별 출연이 포함되어 있습니다.
입장권 : $20
예매처 : 시카고 음악 애호가 협회 (630)281-2575
스타인웨이 연주협회 (630)512-8841
문의처 : (630) 818-6715
Tai-Ho Woo, Tenor
이태리 로마 Santa Cecilia 음악원 졸업
한양 음대 및 이태리 Siena Chigiana 아카데미 졸업
세계적인 테너 Mario del Monaco, Franco Corelli에 사사
유럽, 미국, 한국에서 La Boheme, Rigoletto, Pagliacci 등 오페라에 주연 출연
한미 오페라단 창단, 미국 뉴욕과 한국에서 다수의 정기 오페라 공연 주관
명지대 음대 교수
Young-Soon Kook, Soprano
한양음대 및 뉴욕 Mannes 음악원에서 학사, 석사, 박사
동아 콩쿨, Baltimore 등 국제 성악 경연대회 입상
뉴욕, 시카고, 토론토, 한국에서 나비부인, La Traviata, Turandot 등 오페라에 주연 및 오라토리오 독창 연주
현 뉴욕주 Westchester 음악원 교수
Myung-Hee Chung, Piano
쥴리아드, 맨하탄 음악원 학사, 석사, 박사
516, Chicago Symphony 및 William Kapell 국제 피아노 경연대회 1등
Chicago Symphony, Baltimore Symphony 등과 협연
현 Wisconsin 주립대학교 Piano과 과장 교수
주 최 : Chicago Philharmonic Society
Steinway Concert Association
특별후원 : 한국일보, Northeastern Illinois University
후 원 : 서울대학교 동창회, 한양대학교 동창회, 경복고등학교 동창회, Chicago Classical Philharmonic, Sejong Cultural Society, 시카고총영사관 Top |