About the Chicago Korean Dance Company
Chicago Korean Dance Company(CKDC) was established in 2009
by the art director of CKDC, Dr. Ae-Deok Lee.
The CKDC organization is an establishment that enables professional dancers to come together in order to present excellence in Korean culture and to make an effort to prevent the loss of Korean prominence in the U.S., where multi-cultural, racial and nationalities exist.
The CKDC was found under the objective of introducing and spreading the culture and beauty of Korea to mainstream America. It is CKDC’S mission to develop Korean cultural heritage through various traditional dance performances with the fruition of connecting and uniting with other cultures in the age of globalism.
Since 2010 we have established a youth group, have contributed in educating a second generation and have bestowed our culture upon them.

Aedeok Lee, Founder and Art Director
web sites: www.chicagokoreandance.org